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Tổng lượt truy cập : 9038992
Protector Sprinkler Glass Bulb Type PS001 PS002-PS004 PS005
Đăng ngày 17-03-2020 06:28:44 PM
Protector Sprinkler Glass Bulb Type-Sprinkler Protector Glass Bulb Type PS001 PS002-PS004 PS005
Protector Sprinkler Glass Bulb Type PS215 PS225-PS216 PS226
Đăng ngày 17-03-2020 06:21:14 PM
Protector Sprinkler Glass Bulb Type PS215 PS225-PS216 PS226 The operating mechanism is a frangible glass bulb which contains a heat responsive liquid. During a fire, the ambient temperature rises causing the liquid in the bulb to expand.
When the ambient temperature reaches the rated temperature of the sprinkler, the bulb shatters. As a result the waterway is cleared of all sealing parts and water is discharged towards the deflector. The deflector is designed to distribute the water in a pattern that is most effective in controlling the fire.
Protector Sprinkler Glass Bulb Type PS021-PS022-PS023-PS024
Đăng ngày 17-03-2020 06:05:30 PM
Protector Sprinkler Glass Bulb Type-Sprinkler Protector Glass Bulb Type